martes, 30 de marzo de 2010


XOVES 1 AVRIL pechado todo o día
VENRES 2 AVRIL abrimos as 6 da tarde
SÁBADO 3 horario normal de 11.30 am a 04.30 am
DOMINGO 4 abrimos as 6 da tarde.

miércoles, 17 de marzo de 2010


A cantante e compositora Lesley Duncan faleceu o venres 12 de marzo, despois dunha longa enfermedade; tiña 66 anos.

Unha das vocalistas de sesión mais reputadas, e excelente compositora,Lesley Duncan cantou para gravacións de Elton John, the Dave Clark 5, the Alan Parsons Project,Michael Chapman, Joyce Everson e na banda sonora de Jesus Christ Superstar.

Os fans de Pink Floyd a coñecen polo supremo traballo en "The Dark Side of the Moon" onde fixo as partes vocais.

As suas própias cancións foron interpretadas por moitos artistas incluindo a Elton, Olivia-Newton John e Long John Baldry.

O seu single de debut data de 1963,pero tivo que esperar 6 anos ata atopalo éxito cando Elton John inclueu a sua canción "Love Song", no album, Tumbleweed Connection.
A popularidade de esa gravación aseguroulle un contrato ca CBS Columbia, que durou varios anos.
Continuou actuando e traballando en novo material ata hai moi pouco xunto co seu marido,e pianista Jimmy Horowitz.

lunes, 15 de marzo de 2010


con cada MAGNERS un rasca (camisetas e abridores magnet) e un cuño do Umma
con cada GUINNESS un mini balón de rugby antiestress e un cuño do Umma
por cada 3 cuños do Umma te levas unha camiseta conmemorativa


Luns 15 ás 8, concentración en Noia contra o decrteo da Xunta que restrinxe os dereitos do galego.

jueves, 11 de marzo de 2010

CASUAL BLUES no Diario Vasco

A banda de Donosti CASUAL BLUES ten unha entrevista no diario vasco, podedes leela nese enlace.

Anda!!!!! o guitarrista, Gorka, leva unha camiseta do Umma....

Podo xurar que é casualidade, non lles facemos promoción devolvendo o favor.

Visitade o seu sítio en myspace: CASUAL BLUES

miércoles, 10 de marzo de 2010


Se os rumores se confirman (, estamos a punto de que o vindeiro avril se anuncie que o tour de The Wall producido por Roger Waters comezará a finais deste ano.

Unha vez que se produzca o anuncio vos faremos saber tódolos detalles deste gran esperado tour.

Tamén se espera o anuncio do traballo do própio Waters nun film sobre o pasado tour de 'Dark side of the moon' e pode que algo mais...

Pink Floyd mantén unha batalla legal con EMI pola disputa de roialtis

Pink Floyd estivo en disputa con EMI por online roialties e a comercialización da sua música.
Lanzan agora unha demanda no alto tribunal contra EMI para resolver o caso, e para saber se o selo discográfico pode vender cancións soltas de cada un dos albumes.

Coma sabemos os floyd sempre foron moi cautelosos co uso da sua obra (manter a sua integridade) sobre todo por parte de tecnócratas e corporacións.

EMI mantén o argumento de que esta prohibición "so se aplica ó producto físico e non ó dixital".
Espérase unha resolución para o 11 de marzo.

martes, 9 de marzo de 2010



The concert started at 10:00 P.M. sharp. It seemed more like a Bob Dylan concert than anything else. She played 23 songs in a soft voice and it was for the best. Her voice at 70 sounds much better and her performances have improved a lot. The four-piece band was formed by a bouzouki and guitar musical director, an acoustic bass player, a multi-instrumentalist -- banjo, piano, violin or mandolin -- and her own son Gabriel on percussion.
She began singing the traditional Lily Of The West -- 11 songs (out of 23) played were recorded or performed by Dylan!! -- and this is one of them --, an unusual move for her these days. Maybe a way to answer the EL PAÍS reporter in her interview today. Scarlet Tide and God Is God followed, both new songs from her recent 2008 album. She said she was going to do a mixture of old and new but for some reason, except these two, all the rest were 'oldies'. Silver Dagger, a song about a mistreated woman, was the next one (as well performed with Dylan acompanying her with his harmonica in the early sixties). Then Love Song To A Stranger from 1974 written on tour when she felt desperately alone -- she said. Another trad. one, Railroad Bill which she played dueting with Dylan during the 1976 leg of the Rolling Thunder Revue. For the next number she was left alone on stage to sing one of several songs from his Spanish album from 1975, Llorona. Every time she sang in a language different from English she used a music stand. She played a couple of wonderful tiny Martin guitars -- like the one Dylan borrowed from her to record Blood On The Tracks. She used two to keep them in tune due to the transported capo; a female tour assistant entered after every song. De Colores and then the most successful tune of the night: Adiós ríos, adiós fontes, the Rosalía de Castro poem with music by Amancio Prada. Galician language sounded pretty much better than Spanish from her mouth (Manolo's words -- not mine). Tremendous never-ending applause.
Back to English with Joe Hill (the unionist - I Dreamed I Saw St.Augustine song) and my favourite of the night Long Black Veil, a song about a man charged and executed for murder and whose only and never-told alibi was to have spent the night with his best-friend's wife. Not a hasty upbeat rendition like Joannie used to do but a heart-felt one. Niiice!!! Music stand and sing-along No nos moverán. And then a beautiful Gospel Ship, a country-gospel number like those Bob used to do in the turn of the century -- Somebody Touched Me, Hallelujah I'm Ready To Go, etc. Ask for more?: Farewell Angelina (a Dylan penned song) Even more....?: Pretty-Peggy-O. Ahhh I'm sure you hadn't had enough Dylan, well... Don't Think Twice (she got lost, out of words at the beginning of the third stanza). What about a bit of Leonard Cohen now?: Suzanne, followed by a capella and out of mic Sweet Chariot Ehmm, no, by this time I'm sure you still miss some Dylan stuff, so why not ending the set with...............Forever Young! No, not enough, I'm sure...........................................................................Blowin' In The Wind.
A couple of minutes and on with the encore. Music stand and El preso #9. She gets lost again but the audience helps her along this time. Now she's getting ready for Diamonds & Rust (I guess), a song about her relationship with Bob to round it up.......... buuuuuuuuuuut a voice shouts from the audience Gracias a la vida!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She accepts the challenge -- the band seems perplexed -- but they run into a furious jazzy performance of the song and Joannie remembers every word this time with no music stand to help. She exits the stage again to come back this time, alone, with Here's To You, the soundtrack for the executed anarchists Nicola and Bart film. And that's all folks!
I really didn't expect it. I had a helluva night.

lunes, 8 de marzo de 2010


Este ano ademais da Guinness, a sidra irlandesa Magner's participarà no noso St Patrick's con regalos... As camisetas do Umma coma cada ano non faltarán...

sábado, 6 de marzo de 2010

miércoles, 3 de marzo de 2010


Dous fans da Steepwater band con Marc Ford (Black Crowes).

Non pode ser que un dos mais prestixiosos guitarristas dos U.S.A. veña a duas salas galegas,ningunha delas mais grande co Umma, e o mundo nin se inmute...

Algo pasa co panorama musical galego,..., algo moi grave .

E xa aconteceu exactamente o mesmo con Derek Trucks.


Marc Ford (guitar), Tod Bowers (bass) & Joe Winters (drums)


Jeff Massey (guitar) & Joe Winters (drums)
Sala Mardigras na Coruña.
2 março 2010